
Furniture designs I like!
16 Pins
Guide blocks for 🆕 Kumiko Course now available. Learn a traditional Japanese craft. How to make guide blocks, cut & shape beveled parts, create grids, etc. $24. Detailed steps (video) and plan. The pattern or motif featured in the course is the asanoha pattern, a common pattern familiar to many. The course is composed of seven video segments, a Kumiko article from my recent book, and plans for (2) guide blocks. Guide blocks are an important tool in the creation of Kumiko panels.
Tambour Cabinet
Cabinet with Tambour door panels. Individual strips hand assembled on door panels. Dovetailed drawers. Interior illuminated from within. Maple, Alaska Cedar, Tiger Maple, Black Limba. #figuredwood #furnituremaker #furnituredesign #finewoodworking #woodworkersofinstagram #furniture #woodworking #woodworkingproject #ottawa Instagram: @woodskillsmag
This may contain: a small wooden cabinet sitting on top of a hard wood floor next to a window
Furniture Scale Model
A scale model of a cabinet on stand I am creating. The scale model (1/3 scale) is fully functioning with drawers that move. Maple, satinwood, cherry. More in my Furniture Design Course
Cabinet on Stand
Latest cabinet with Tiger Maple door panels. Small surrounding each of the Tiger Maple panels to delineate the woods. Interior illuminated from within. Maple, Alaska Cedar, Tiger Maple, Black Limba. #figuredwood #furnituremaker #furnituredesign #finewoodworking #woodworkersofinstagram #furniture #woodworking #woodworkingproject #ottawa Instagram: @woodskillsmag
Kumiko Cabinet
Recently completed cabinet on stand with Kumiko motif in door panels. Created entirely during self-isolation 🙂 Illuminated from within. Maple, Alaska Cedar, Spalted Maple, Black Limba. #finewoodworking #woodworkingproject #woodworker #dovetails. #furnituredesign #furnituremaker #krenov #woodworking #ottawa #woodworkersofinstagram #maker #diy #furnitureartist #spaltedmaple #figuredwood #furniture Instagram: @woodskillsmag
This may contain: a small wooden cabinet sitting on top of a hard wood floor next to a window
Furniture Scale Model
A scale model of a cabinet on stand I am creating. The scale model (1/3 scale) is fully functioning with drawers that move. Maple, satinwood, cherry. More in my Furniture Design Course
Cabinet on Stand
Recently completed cabinet on stand. Unique door graphics. Created entirely during self-isolation 🙂 Maple, Alaska Cedar, Spalted Maple, Black Limba. #finewoodworking #woodworkingproject #woodworker #dovetails. #furnituredesign #furnituremaker #krenov #woodworking #ottawa #woodworkersofinstagram #maker #diy #furnitureartist #spaltedmaple #figuredwood #furniture @pirollodesign @woodskillsmag
Dovetailed Drawers
Completed a series of dovetailed drawers for (2) cabinets on stand.
Bookmatched cabinets
Two new cabinets on stand. Interior compartments next, dovetailed drawers, then the stands. Book-matched spalted maple veneers on doors.
Kumiko Course (New)
Kumiko Course (New). Learn traditional Japanese craft of Kumiko. The course introduces you to Kumiko and the history behind it. Kumiko has its origins in Japan and used extensively in homes and home furnishings. The video segments guide you through the creation of a Kumiko panel. Plans, instructions (video) on how to create Guide Blocks are included. $24
New Woodworking Book on Furniture Design + Making
Decades of furniture making experience combine with furniture design in this new and refreshing take on woodworking. In addition to detailed furniture making techniques, the book delves into the thought process behind furniture design. Skills and processes to advance you as a woodworker and furniture maker are described. The book is also a window on the life of a furniture maker. Both hand tools and machines are covered in several projects.