Love Loveable Quoations

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"A person who truly loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else still believes in the smile on your face"
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love does not come easy for two types of people: those who cannot stay and those who cannot walk away
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I know what love is, I know how I feel. I give love unconditionally, I show love everyday. I've made my choice. So why are you so blind to see It?
My advice from my experience if your wondering if a guy is into you, he probably isn't. From my experience I always knew when I guy liked me there was consistency in how he always wanted to be with me or would always call and text. This is also true when a man loves you he will do anything to keep you. So when you tell him something he is doing is pushing you away he will stop doing whatever action it is that is pushing you away because he doesn't want to lose you. My advice no complicated rules