
51 Pins
Traditional Kitchen - Traditional - Kitchen - Chicago | Houzz
Baking pan drawer so you don't have to get EVERY pan out EVERY time.
mix yogurt, water and live moss in a blender, then paint onto a wall. Moss will grow in the shape of whatever you painted. Just remember to spritz it with water every once in a while to keep it alive. actually LOVE this idea!
No Wet Blankets Allowed - Yanko Design
A towel rack that dries and disinfects towels - Dry Clean – Towel Dryer by puredesign
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
Inflatable cool for a rainy night! Star watching. NO BUGS
DIY Gift for the Hubster
'Date Jar' you and your husband write things you would like to do on a date night /day - then pick out at random!
The $5 Savings Plan. I heard one lady did this...never spent a $5.00 bill but saved it instead. It two years she had nearly $12,000! #SmartMoney #SavingPlan
Sparkle Palace Cocktail Table
Sparkle Palace Cocktail Table – $6910
The Transparent Canoe Kayak - Hammacher Schlemmer
The Transparent Canoe Kayak - Hammacher Schlemmer