Chiropractic Exercises

Plantar Fasciitis: Heel Pain Makes it Hard to Walk
Plantar fasciitis is a severe burning pain at the heel of the foot that makes it difficult to walk. A sports chiropractor can help you with your foot pain, treat the heel pain, and recommend custom-made orthotics for prevention. #sportsinjury #chiropractic #health
Back of the thigh- step 1
This is my FAVORITE website to give to patients - stretches, soft tissue mobilization, exercises... For every major muscle group. Been looking for this forever. ~Athletes Treating Athletes.
Should You Stretch Before or After a Workout? |
I don't know how many people I need to tell.... Never stretch cold muscles!!! In other words, don't stretch before a workout!!- Should You Stretch Before or After a Workout? By LIVESTRONG
11 Bed Stretches That Will Get You Ready For the Day Before Your Feet Hit the Floor
Stretches for before bedtime to help to relieve stress and sleep better...
Foam Roll Your IT Band (Iliotibial Band)
How to Foam Roll Your IT Band. Commonly Used For: Hip pain or knee pain.
Foam rolling my IT bands is one of the most painful things I have ever experienced, but it's important.
West Hollywood Chiropractic: How to Work Out Lower Abs to Relieve Low Back and Hip Pain
West Hollywood Chiropractic: How to Work Out Lower Abs to Relieve Low Back and Hip Pain
Los Angeles Chiropractic: Lunge Stretch To Relieve Hip Flexor Pain
Los Angeles Chiropractic: Lunge Stretch To Relieve Hip Flexor Pain
Are you suffering from knee pain? "Runners Knee" is a common injury for runners. Treat these injuries with Chiropractic care and do these simple exercises to maintain healthy knees!
Los Angeles Chiropractic: Running Stretches and IT Band Treatment for Knee Clicking and Pain, Los Angeles sports chiropractic doctor, Nick Campos, demonstrates running stretches and itb stretches for IT Band Treatment, knee clicking and pain.
Personal Injury Doctor Atlanta - Exercises to Relieve Middle Back Pain - Atlanta Chiropractor
Exercises to Relieve Middle Back Pain - Atlanta Chiropractor
Beverly Hills Chiropractic: Shin Muscle Stretch for Tibialis Anterior Pain Relief
Beverly Hills Chiropractic: Shin Muscle Stretch for Tibialis Anterior Pain Relief
Iliotibial Band Stretch and chiropractic management of the ITB.
ILIOTIBIAL BAND STRETCH Chiropractic management of the ITB syndrome. explanation, defination, treatment, stretches