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How to Prepare for a UFE Procedure
UFE is an outpatient procedure, which makes it easier to prepare. Once you schedule your appointment, our devoted staff will guide you through the process. Here is how to prepare for your UFE procedure. Click the link to learn more.
Lower Back Pain
Can fibroids cause lower back pain? Fibroids can obstruct the urinary tract, pressing against the bladder. If the kidneys cannot drain adequately, it can cause them to swell, which may lead to back pain. click the link to learn what to do about fibroid pain.
Irregular Menstruation
If you have been disgnosed with fibroids, it is possible that you will experience more bleeding during your period. Also, you may notice that your menstrual cramps are becoming more intense. Having prolonged and intense menstrau periods is not normal! Click the link to learn how fibroids affect your cycle.
Heavy and Prolonged Menstruation
Are you experiencing a heavy clotting period? This is a common symptom of uterine fibroids. We encourage you to consult with a fibroid specialists. Click the link to schedule your appointment today. Our fibroid doctors will give you a diagnosis and treatment options.
How to Check for Fibroids at Home
If you suspect you have fibroids or are planning to consult with your doctor about treatment, it’s a good idea to make an informed decision. Make sure you understand what fibroids are and how they impact your life. Are you wondering how to check for fibroids at home? Take our Free Online Symptom Quiz to find out. Click the link to get started.
Signs OF Fibroids in the Uterus
Have you felt a particular pain in your pelvis or lower back, or experienced heavy or prolonged menstruation even when you don’t have your period? You could be experiencing signs of uterine fibroids. Many women experience different signs and symptoms. Click the link to learn more about common fibroid symptoms.
Does Losing Weight Shrink Fibroids?
Is losing weight with fibroids easy? It is widely understood that hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, influence fibroids. Fibroids tend to grow during times of increased hormones in the body, like during pregnancy. Are your fibroids causing you to gain weight? Click this link to learn more about fibroids and weight gain.
Why Do Fibroids Cause Abdominal Leg and Back Pain?
Women with large fibroids often experience pelvic and/or abdominal discomfort. This may present as severe pain localized to a specific spot or can be mild but affect a larger area of the body. Here is why you may experience fibroids pain:
How Does it Feel When Fibroids Burst?
When it comes to fibroids, don't take any chances - sudden and severe abdominal pain could mean a burst fibroid and possible life-threatening complications. You may be wondering how it feels when a fibroid burts. We’ve created this guide to explain what happens when a fibroid bursts.
Uterine Fibroid Pictures.
We’ve collected these uterine fibroids belly pictures and images to help you better understand what fibroids look like, how large they can get, what symptoms you may experience, and your fibroid treatment options. Click the link for details.
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Wondering if you can get pregnant with fibroids? The answer will vary from person to person. Many women with fibroids can become pregnant naturally without the need for infertility treatment and have a successful pregnancy with fibroids. Here is everything you need to know about getting pregnant with fibroids.
Are Uterine Fibroids Dangerous?
Uterine fibroids, medically known as leiomyomas, are the most common benign (non-cancerous) tumors of the female reproductive system. If left untreated, fibroids can grow large enough to put pressure onsurrounding organs causing further health complications! Here is everything you need to know about fibroids:
If you are considering fibroid treatment and want to get pregnant in the future, we recommend discussing the issue with one of our medical experts. We can help you understand all available fibroid treatments. Here is all you need to know about pregnancy after UFE treatment.