
185 Pins
Double Exposure Portraits of Animals Reflecting Their Habitat by Andreas Lie
Double Exposure Portraits of Animals Reflecting Their Habitat by Andreas Lie.
Girl Power. I am a nam who grow up in a home with 2 sister & mum @ home I think this is why my friend bob tald me I am odd & I thnk more like a girl not a man lol I like this grate & I agree but not a lot of men would understand this only 10% & the rest only think with there wedding tackal & the suppert when they get home & the pub on a Friday & Saturday night & football non of this apply to me . I would rather be with the group of Girls then a beer monter drinking men's group ??
Stunning Diptych Tattoos Form Landscapes Across the Backs of Legs
Stunning diptych tattoos by Thieves of Tower form landscapes across the backs of legs. #tattoo
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
Geometric Tiger Made From Triangles - This is how 3-D animations are made in computer, though the triangles are much smaller, and there are lots lots more of them.
Black Midnight Kitty
Black Midnight Kitty | - Your home for discovering tattoo ideas and tattoo inspiration.
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Whole class makes a butterfly each to lift the balloon
dan mountford, double exposure portraits - PINEGATE ROAD
I’ve been seeing these stunning portraits around the internet for quite some time, but just finally decided to stalk down the wonder-boy who created them. I’m so impressed by the imagination that Dan Mountford created with these photographs. I’d love to have a couple hanging in my bedroom. This also makes me want to go practice […]