TIFA Collective

The Institute for Aliveness... - The Institute for Aliveness
https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4745211655519332/ Join the 18-month Dual Health and Life Coach Certification Visit: www.instituteforaliveness.com
The Institute for Aliveness... - The Institute for Aliveness
https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4745205678853263/ Join the 18-month Dual Health and Life Coach Certification Visit: www.instituteforaliveness.com
Turning of The Ages Mystery School - Totams - Mercury stations retrograd today in Scorpio and stations direct on November 3 in Libra with the star Spica. https://cayelincastell.com/mercury-in-scorpio/ Robert Wilkinson says in his book A New Look At Mercury Retrograde, that this timing is an opportunity for us to witness magic revealing itself. When the magician slows down we have an opportunity to witness how s/he performs magic. The invisible becomes visible, the unknown becomes known. It is a time for fully exploring the magic and mystery of life in a way that is not always available to us. This timing, if worked with consciously, is an opportunity to experience and understand exactly how magic works. It is also helpful to remember that whatever is not in alignment with the unfolding mysteries surfaces for processing and clearing. Mercury Retrograde is a notorious timing when things glitch, communication breaks down and things don’t always turn out in the ways we desire or expect. However, if we can relax and release our attachments to outcome, then this timing carries innovative, magically creative energy, inspiring insights, understanding and wisdom. https://cayelincastell.com/original-mercury-retrograde-original/ #shamanicastrology #mercury #mercuryretrograde | Facebook
Mercury stations retrograd today in Scorpio and stations direct on November 3 in Libra with the star Spica. https://cayelincastell.com/mercury-in-scorpio/ Robert Wilkinson says in his book A New Look At Mercury Retrograde, that this timing is an opportunity for us to witness magic revealing itself. When the magician slows down we have an opportunity to witness how s/he performs magic. The invisible becomes visible, the unknown becomes known. It is a time for fully exploring the magic and mystery
Using jargon to sound smart? Science says you’re just insecure
Why, oh, why do people feel the need to spout jargon? Well, according to one specific study, insecurity in the workplace may play a part. https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4740117359362095/ Join the 18-month Dual Health and Life Coach Certification Visit: www.instituteforaliveness.com
The Institute for Aliveness... - The Institute for Aliveness
https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4720615634645601/ Join the 18-month Dual Health and Life Coach Certification Visit: www.instituteforaliveness.com
Turning of The Ages Mystery School - Totams - Much of this month but most especially October 6 if you step outside in the evening and look toward the east after dark you will see Retrograde Mars closest to the Earth and the brightest it will be for 15 years. Mars is in the constellation of the Fish but the seasonal sign of Aries where inspired committed action to further a noble cause or purpose is being highlighted. What action are you inspired to take now? Image from NASA artist | Facebook
Much of this month but most especially October 6 if you step outside in the evening and look toward the east after dark you will see Retrograde Mars closest to the Earth and the brightest it will be for 15 years. Mars is in the constellation of the Fish but the seasonal sign of Aries where inspired committed action to further a noble cause or purpose is being highlighted. What action are you inspired to take now? Image from NASA artist https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4711038855603
The Institute for Aliveness... - The Institute for Aliveness
https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4710736092300222/ Join the 18-month Dual Health and Life Coach Certification Visit: www.instituteforaliveness.com
The Institute for Aliveness - When we ignore these quintessential dimensions of humanity, we deprive people of ways to heal from trauma and restore their autonomy. Being a patient, rather than a participant in one’s healing process, separates suffering people from their community and alienates them from an inner sense of self. | Facebook
When we ignore these quintessential dimensions of humanity, we deprive people of ways to heal from trauma and restore their autonomy. Being a patient, rather than a participant in one’s healing process, separates suffering people from their community and alienates them from an inner sense of self. https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4699633543410477/ Join the 18-month Dual Health and Life Coach Certification Visit: www.instituteforaliveness.com
Report: Electric vehicles cost half as much to maintain
They're cheaper in the long run. https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4703137763060055/ Join the 18-month Dual Health and Life Coach Certification Visit: www.instituteforaliveness.com
Here's How and Why These 36 Questions Can Make Any Two People Fall In Love
Conceptualized by psychologist Arthur Aaron in 1997, the 36 Questions method is supposed to make any two participants fall in love but does it work? https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4703142296392935/ Join the 18-month Dual Health and Life Coach Certification Visit: www.instituteforaliveness.com
The Institute for Aliveness... - The Institute for Aliveness
https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4699608633412968/ Join the 18-month Dual Health and Life Coach Certification Visit: www.instituteforaliveness.com
Mom Raises $32,000 For Teen McDonald’s Worker Who Paid For Her Food When She Forgot Her Wallet
Brittany Reed was in distress when she realized she couldn't pay for her food at McDonald's. That's when young Wyatt Jones stepped in by paying for her food. Brittany decided his act of kindness deserved a reward. https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4694888727218292/ Join the 18-month Dual Health and Life Coach Certification Visit: www.instituteforaliveness.com
The Institute for Aliveness - Have you seen our 2021 graduating class yet? Check out their bios! These individuals are going to change the world. And I couldn't be prouder of them for their commitment to... * U P L E V E L I N G H U M A N I T Y * https://www.instituteforaliveness.com/class2021 | Facebook
Have you seen our 2021 graduating class yet? Check out their bios! These individuals are going to change the world. And I couldn't be prouder of them for their commitment to... * U P L E V E L I N G H U M A N I T Y * https://www.instituteforaliveness.com/class2021 https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4692752237431941/ Join the 18-month Dual Health and Life Coach Certification Visit: www.instituteforaliveness.com
Elon Musk: fusion will probably be more expensive than wind, solar
Fusion energy still has a long way to go. https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4689934321047066/ Join the 18-month Dual Health and Life Coach Certification Visit: www.instituteforaliveness.com
The Institute for Aliveness - Are you over the “busy” story yet? It’s not serving anyone. Not even you. It’s supporting you in closing off from connection. In making time for yourself. For integration. For processing. The busy story is making you less likely to be present in your life. Making you more self-important. Do you feel the rat legs scurrying under your body, running in the hamster wheel? Are you ready to be done with it yet? To dis-inherit this story...? To give up the exclusion. The not having time for people Or things that you love. Are you ready to come back home to you? To take agency in your life? To put yourself and excitement first? To again follow the call of bliss? The weightlessness of timelessness? Days where you don’t look at the clock? Or check your phone..? Allow the Presence to grow back up inside you. Busy is like a pesticide to the wildflowers. Set them free. Detox yourself of “busy.” You’ll never have time. You can only make it. -apd x | Facebook
What are your plans for the weekend? https://www.facebook.com/728218413885363/posts/4683026851737813/ Join the 18-month Dual Health and Life Coach Certification Visit: www.instituteforaliveness.com