Terrain : Glass

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Gas Natural Office Building, BCN, Spain, 1999 — 2006
Gas Natural Office Building, Barcelona, Spain
CASA DE CRISTAL - despiertaYmira
Glasshouse in Hiroshima, Japan. By Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP architects. Fotos by Nacasa & Partners. Composed of roughly 6000 glass blocks strung together by stainless steel. The soundproof blocks not only cancel out the bustling cars and trams but they also create a façade that functions much like an urban noren -allowing light and air to pass through while revealing only a mosaic of the lush garden inside.
glass tile backsplash in kitchen added: glass tiles with seems like light coming through the cracks
Miniwiz 小智研發
EcoARK by Miniwiz: In Taipei, Taiwan it's the first fully functional, public structure made of POLLIBRICK™ http://www.miniwiz.com/miniwiz/en/products/shelter/polli-brick. It's built out of 1.5 million recycled plastic bottles, operates totally off-grid & has natural ventilation. An exterior waterfall bathes the structure in collected rainwater & the POLLIBRICK™s have high insulation properties. Embedded solar power runs the LED lighting at night http://www.miniwiz.com/miniwiz/projects/ecoark...