Christmas Flowers

Spread holiday cheer with these beautiful #Christmas #flowers. With a large selection of bouquets and keepsakes, you’ll check everyone off your list. Even a Christmas Scrooge is sure to be delighted by a Christmas #flower delivery, hand-arranged by a local florist! From red #poinsettias to candlelit Christmas centerpieces, here's a flower arrangement for every holiday occasion.
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Teleflora, Holidays, Holiday Flowers, Christmas, Christmas flowers, xmas, order flowers, send flowers, floral design, gift, gifts, flowers Christmas Roses, White Carnations, Winter Greens, Red Carnation, White Bowl, Christmas Rose
Jolly Candy Cane Bouquet
Spread jolly cheer with this magnificent bouquet of Christmas roses and winter greens, accented with playful candy canes and arranged in a classic white bowl. This festive bouquet features red roses, red carnations, white carnations, white button spray chrystanthemums, variegated holly, noble fir, and white pine. Delivered in a Round Ringware Dish.
Teleflora, Holidays, Holiday Flowers, Christmas, Christmas flowers, xmas, order flowers, send flowers, floral design, gift, gifts, flowers Purple Statice, Asiatic Lilies, Roses White, Glass Cube, Clear Blue Sky, Local Florist, Christmas Centerpieces
Teleflora's Sapphire Skies Bouquet
Like gazing into a clear blue sky, this serene arrangement soothes the soul and cheers the heart. Its creamy roses and snowy lilies are arranged in our dazzling sapphire cube. Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green pitta negra. Delivered in Teleflora's glass Cube.
Teleflora, Holidays, Holiday Flowers, Christmas, Christmas flowers, xmas, order flowers, send flowers, floral design, gift, gifts, flowers Aspidistra Leaf, Frosted Pinecones, Lemon Leaf, Colored Roses, Glass Cylinder Vases, Lemon Leaves, Seeded Eucalyptus
Teleflora's Festive Pines Bouquet
An instant Christmas party, this festive bouquet bursts with fresh blooms of red and creme colored roses with winter greens and fun-filled candy canes. Red roses, creme roses and white snapdragons are wrapped in a variegated aspidistra leaf and accented with seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, flat cedar, white pine, candy canes, and small frosted pinecones. Delivered in Teleflora's clear glass cylinder vase.
Teleflora, Holidays, Holiday Flowers, Christmas, Christmas flowers, xmas, order flowers, send flowers, floral design, gift, gifts, flowers Maroon Carnations, Dramatic Bouquet, Parvifolia Eucalyptus, Leatherleaf Fern, Rich In Love, Roses Dark, Love Bouquet, Cube Vase
Rich In Love Bouquet by Teleflora
When you truly want to take their breath away, send this mesmerizing rose bouquet. Its artistic, organic design, luxurious blooms, and shimmering cube vase set it apart from the rest! This dramatic bouquet features red roses, dark red spray roses, maroon carnations, red miniature carnations, dusty miller, leatherleaf fern, huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and parvifolia eucalyptus. Delivered in Teleflora's Red Mirrored Cube.
Teleflora, Holidays, Holiday Flowers, Christmas, Christmas flowers, xmas, order flowers, send flowers, floral design, gift, gifts, flowers Gold Organza, Gold Wreath, Laurel Leaves, Glitter Gold, Mylar Balloons, Organza Ribbon
Glitter & Gold Wreath
The holidays get glamorous! Golden laurel leaves and a luxurious gold organza ribbon add seasonal shimmer to this fresh noble fir Christmas wreath. It's a stunning gift to send a friend or hang on your own front door or hearth. A classic 24-inch noble fir wreath is decorated with gold glitter laurel leaves, pinecones, and gold sheer organza ribbon.
Teleflora, Holidays, Holiday Flowers, Christmas, Christmas flowers, xmas, order flowers, send flowers, floral design, gift, gifts, flowers Wondrous Wreath, Cedar Wreath, Curly Willow, Magnolia Leaves, Rustic Holiday, Burlap Ribbon
Rustic Holiday Wreath
A burlap ribbon and spray of red berries brings a festive touch to this beautifully rustic flat cedar wreath. The perfect addition for your holiday decor! This wondrous wreath includes flat cedar, curly willow, seeded eucalyptus, and magnolia leaves.
Teleflora, Holidays, Holiday Flowers, Christmas, Christmas flowers, xmas, order flowers, send flowers, floral design, gift, gifts, flowers Fresh Christmas Wreath, Holiday Wreath, Classic Holiday, Velvet Bow, Red Berries
Classic Holiday Wreath
It's not Christmas without a fresh Christmas wreath on your door! Send the spirit of the season to someone special with this classic piece of holiday decor. The 24-inch wreath is composed of fragrant noble fir with touches of juniper and red berries, and is hand delivered by a local florist to ensure maximum freshness. This 24-inch noble fir wreath is accented with juniper, red berries and pinecones and finished with a full red velvet bow.
Teleflora, Holidays, Holiday Flowers, Christmas, Christmas flowers, xmas, order flowers, send flowers, floral design, gift, gifts, flowers Red Mirror, White Pine, Spray Roses
Caroling In The Snow by Teleflora
Filled with holiday charm. Red spray roses and white asiatic lilies are arranged to perfection in our red mirrored cube. Red spray roses, white asiatic lilies and red carnations are accented by tips of white pine, noble fir and holly. Delivered in Teleflora's red mirrored cube.
Teleflora, Holidays, Holiday Flowers, Christmas, Christmas flowers, xmas, order flowers, send flowers, floral design, gift, gifts, flowers Christmas Tree Elegant, English Boxwood, Gold Ornament, Tabletop Christmas Tree, Mini Christmas Tree, Gold Ornaments, Mini Christmas
Deck The Halls Tree
Deck the halls - and tables, and mantles, and foyers - with this charming tabletop Christmas tree! Elegant English boxwood stems are hand arranged to look like a mini Christmas tree, complete with all the festive trimmings! English boxwood branches are hand arranged into the shape of Christmas tree, which is decorated with red ribbon and red and gold ornament balls.
Teleflora, Holidays, Holiday Flowers, Christmas, Christmas flowers, xmas, order flowers, send flowers, floral design, gift, gifts, flowers Spiral Eucalyptus, Hydrangea White, Snowy Woods, Winter Bouquet
Teleflora's Snowy Woods Bouquet
Give the gift of modern winter-white style with this breathtaking bouquet, hand-arranged in a chic bamboo cube. This winter bouquet includes white hydrangea, white roses, white asiatic lilies, magnolia leaves, seeded eucalyptus, spiral eucalyptus, flat cedar and white pine. Delivered in Teleflora's Large Bamboo Cube.
Teleflora, Holidays, Holiday Flowers, Christmas, Christmas flowers, xmas, order flowers, send flowers, floral design, gift, gifts, flowers Silver Brunia, Dusty Miller, Leaf Coloring, White Bouquet
Teleflora's Winter Pop Bouquet
A stylish pop of winter style, this snow-white bouquet in a fresh green cube dresses up any occasion! White roses, tulips and stock with silver brunia are arranged with dusty miller, spiral eucalyptus, parvifolia eucalyptus, and white pine. Delivered in Teleflora's Leaf Color Splash cube.
Teleflora, Holidays, Holiday Flowers, Christmas, Christmas flowers, xmas, order flowers, send flowers, floral design, gift, gifts, flowers Christmas Ornament Balls, Roses And Carnations, Red Christmas Ornaments, Christmas Bouquet
Teleflora's Merry & Bright
This Christmas bouquet stays true to its name! Merry details including red Christmas ornament balls, Douglas fir and variegated holly are mixed with bright green button chrysanthemums in a jolly red cube vase. Lush roses and carnations add to the seasonal splendor. A gorgeous red cube vase is filled with red roses, red carnations, green button chrysanthemums, variegated holly, Douglas fir and English boxwood. Shiny and matte Christmas balls add a festive touch.
Teleflora, Holidays, Holiday Flowers, Christmas, Christmas flowers, xmas, order flowers, send flowers, floral design, gift, gifts, flowers Natal, Winter Bouquets, Winter Flower Arrangements, Blue And White Christmas, Winter Floral Arrangements, Echeveria Succulent, White Spray Roses, Winter Arrangements
Teleflora's Winter Wilds Centerpiece
Simply unique, this gorgeous green and winter-white design is artfully hand-arranged in a shimmering mercury glass bowl for a centerpiece beyond compare. This beautiful arrangement of crème roses, white spray roses, white tulips, and white asiatic lilies is accented with seeded eucalyptus, lemon leaf, flat cedar, douglas fir, white pine, and a large green echeveria succulent. Delivered in Teleflora's Mercury Glass bowl.