72 hour kit/food

23 Pins
Stealth Angel 2 Person Emergency Kit / Survival Bag (72 Hours)
How To Prepare for Severe Winter Weather #EmergencyKits
Emergency Preparedness Checklist - How prepared are you for winter storms? #LSSS #sponsored
Be Prepared in Survival Life | How to Survive and Prepare for an Emergency | Survival Life Blog
9 “Crazy Simple” Tips To Build Your Emergency Food Supply | Homestead survival tips at survivallife.com #homesteading #homesteadingideas #survivalist
Buying In Bulk For Stocking The Pantry
The Homestead Survival | Buying In Bulk For Stocking The Pantry | http://thehomesteadsurvival.com
Bleach to Water ratio for water purification. Put your 72 hour kit (Grab & Go) together now!
Creating Emergency Bags for Your Children
what to pack in children's emergency 72-hr. kits -- with specifics for each age
Private Site
Crisco Candle for emergency situations. Simply put a piece of string in a tub of shortening, and it will burn for up to 45 days....I'll be damned...who knew?
DIY Survival Candles
Make your own 50-hour candles for less than 2 dollars a piece. Great for lighting an outdoor gathering
another pinner said: Canned butter...finally found again! We went to a class in RS years ago where they showed us how to do this in the oven, but I Lost the paper and never could remember exactly how. so grateful it was on here!