Survival Kit

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Unusual Weapons From Around The World And How To Use Them
Knowing about a diversity of unusual weapons and understanding what kinds of objects might work as a tool of self-defense is vital. Read on to learn more.
How to Properly Escape a Zip Tie Restraint | Survival Life
Check out the step-by-step instructions below for getting out of some insane situations that result in your arrest or kidnapping.
10 Survival Uses For A Contractor's Trash Bag [Survival Life]
Did you know that there are a lot of uses for a trash bag when SHTF? Read on to learn 10 ways to use a trash bag for survival situations.
Why A Shemagh Is Part Of My Travel Go Bag | Survival Life
The shemagh is an incredibly useful piece of headwear. Learn more about why it is a must-have in your outdoor and camping essentials.
10 Survival Uses For A Contractor's Trash Bag [Survival Life]
Did you know that there are a lot of uses for a trash bag when SHTF? Read on to learn 10 ways to use a trash bag for survival situations.
Do You Have A Home Disaster Survival Kit? Here's How To Make One
Statistics show that half of the people living in the US have experienced a major disaster or have been in a life and death situation. What comes as a surprise is that only 10% of the total households are prepared in the event of a disaster. That is why it is important that we have a home disaster survival kit.
Innovative Ways To Use Binder Clips for Survival | Survival Life
It doesn’t take a MacGyver to turn ordinary binder clips into a survival tool. Yup, you got that right. You can turn those humble metal binder fasteners into a versatile gizmo and this article will show you how.
Do You Have A Home Disaster Survival Kit? Here's How To Make One
Statistics show that half of the people living in the US have experienced a major disaster or have been in a life and death situation. What comes as a surprise is that only 10% of the total households are prepared in the event of a disaster. That is why it is important that we have a home disaster survival kit.
EDC Kit | Essential Items Every Prepper Need | Survival Life
Here is a list of my EDC kit essentials, all of which I carry every single day!
100 Dollar Store Prep Ideas To Stockpile Now | Survival Life
Prepping is awesome, but do you know what’s more awesome? Shopping for items at a hugely affordable price. Here are some dollar store prep ideas and so you don’t burn a hole in your pockets!
EDC Kit | Essential Items Every Prepper Need | Survival Life
There are so many must-haves when it comes to your EDC kit (Everyday Carry) items. Similar to your everyday carry bag, the contents of a smaller pack can change—and will change due to new items that become available over time. Each item serves a very important purpose—to aid in a survival situation should you face one. Here is a list of my EDC kit essentials, all of which I carry every single day!
7 PVC Pipes Projects For Survival Uses | Survival Life
PVC pipe is mostly for plumbing – but it can be used for so much more than just bringing water to a kitchen sink. With that in mind, don’t forget to place one in your bug-out bag. You’ll never know when you’re going to need one.
How to Make and Use Stone Tools in Survival Situations
Knowing how to use and create simple paleolithic stone tools from scratch can spell the difference between life and death in an emergency situation. Ideally, survivalists can make stone tools out of rocks that have the following characteristics. #craftsharpstonetools #stonetools #survivaltools #survivalgear #survival #preparedness #survivallife