All Across the Universe

Picking up wisdom
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In my adult life, my heart has learned this lesson through ups and downs! I am stronger because of it and am thankful for the giving heart God gave me
I'm back. In case. Were you meaning no to me? It's just she said it twice. Hope she's having a good time I'm quite jealous of that one lol! I'm only worried that they may be taken in and manipulated later. The girls are perfectly well taken care of and they know that. And they take care of others. ADIDAS Women's Shoes
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20 Deep Scorpio Quotes That Perfectly Describe The Sassy Zodiac Sign
Scorpio women are complicated. And love it.
I found a song today and it made me think about you, the name, back to you - wild. "All my life you're the one thing that's been real"
To the guy who got away with hurting me. I don't forgive you for you, I'm letting go for me. You had too much power for too long.