
13 Pins
Edible Straws
Our apologies for leaving out the classic Twizzler-with-both-ends-bitten-off straw.
Rain Drop Jelly
Because sometimes an occasion just calls for a gummy frog hidden in cotton candy overtop a goblet of multi-colored jello.
2.1M views · 26K reactions | Upgrade Your Fridge | Upgrade your fridge with these useful products! 👌 Get 'em all here: Fridge Liners: Bottle Magnets: Chalkboard Labels:... | By Tasty Home | Facebook
Upgrade Your Fridge #organize #label #fridge #spacesaver
29M views · 240K reactions | 5 Genius Lazy Susan Ideas | These unconventional lazy Susan ideas are genius! 👌 | By Tasty Home | Facebook
11M views · 99K reactions | Hidden Kitchen Utensil Rail | This hidden rail slides out for easy access to kitchen utensils and pans 👌 | By Tasty Home | Facebook
Hidden Kitchen Utensil Rail #kitchen #hacks #utensils #storage #organize
DIY envelope out of wrapping paper, scrapbook paper, any kind, really! It looks so simple...I will definitely be doing this.
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Typography Adult Birthday Invitation - Eat, Drink and Celebrate the 30th 40th 50th 60th 70th Invitation - Blackboard Poster - No.287. $15.00, via Etsy.
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30th Birthday Party Invitation Pennant Banner Birthday Invite Yellow & Gray Baby Shower Bridal Shower DIY Digital or Printed - Amelia style. $20.00, via Etsy.
Copy Kat - Housewife Confidential
what a great idea for an invite! just might do this one :D