The BS We Feed Ourselves

Autoimmune Awareness podcast for A-Types. If you’re feeling burned out, struggling to concentrate or have gained weight and don’t understand why? There’s a real chance you could be suffering from an Autoimmune Disease and not know it.
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Letting Go of Resentment and Moving On with Your Life
First impressions can be deceiving and it's important to give people a second chance. However, if you just can't seem to get over your initial dislike for someone, have a look at this article. I may convince you otherwise.
Eating your emotions? There’s a GENE for that with Max Gen Labs
Dr. Hailey Heard and Dr. Megan Arnold are the minds behind MaxGen Labs, a company offering genetic testing kits that are helping women with autoimmune diseases live and eat better. These tests can pinpoint the best diet, lifestyle, and fitness practices for each individual.
Stress Less, Accomplish MORE with Emily Fletcher of Ziva Meditation
There’s a reason you can’t find your key’s when you’re rushing to get out the door (stress makes us stupid, sick, and slow). Listen in, because Emily Fletcher, a leading expert in meditation and author of The Ziva Technique talks about the trifecta of Mindfulness, Meditation, and Manifestation as a powerful tool to relieve stress.
Cider: Paleo Friendly and... Healthy?
In this episode we talk to Mark McTavish, former bodybuilder and CEO of 101 Cider House about alcohol and it's effects on health (It's not all bad news don't worry!). Best of all, Mark's goal is to make the healthiest alcoholic drink on the market. Cheers to that!
Happier Hormones, Happier You
Often overlooked, our hormones carry out extremely important jobs in our bodies. They regulate our body's processes and communicate between all the different systems. Unfortunately they are frequently blocked and impaired due to inflammation. Read on to find out how to regulate your hormones.
You Don't Need to Prove You're a #Superwoman
Social media does not help when it comes to comparing ourselves to others. We bust our butts to achieve superwoman status, the perfect job, the perfect marriage, the perfect hair. But that just isn't realistic and it burns us out.
What Hair Loss and Feminism Have in Common with Britt Reuter, Nutrition and Functional Medicine Expe
Britt Reuter, a Certified Nutrition Specialist, Business Owner, and author of eBook "Girl's Guide to Reversing Hair Loss" talks about her story, Hashimoto, and Graves Disease, and her thoughts on patriarchal standards of beauty. Also, the role of diet in regrowing your hair or making it thicker again, is that even possible? Listen in to find out!
On the verge of burnout? How to meditate for beginners with Dr Shelly Sethi
Being an A-type while at the verge if burnout. Dr. Shelly Sethi walks us through what being an A-type woman is like, how it affects our health and how to finally learn how to meditate to find that much needed mental peace and mindfulness
The hardest thing about Keto is cooking! (How-To Guide) with Keto Chef Max
The hardest thing about keto is COOKING! That's why Professional chef Max Mentzer shares ALL his secrets about how to make time to cook for yourself and how to go keto on a budget. Max is not only an incredible chef, he's even more awesome because he found a way to balance his hormones, lose weight, and successfully manage his Type 1 Diabetes, all with the ketogenic diet.
You Don't Need to Prove You're a #Superwoman
Social media does not help when it comes to comparing ourselves to others. We bust our butts to achieve superwoman status, the perfect job, the perfect marriage, the perfect hair. But that just isn't realistic and it burns us out.
Fatigued, Fat & Frazzled? Sexology doctor shares health tips with Dr Keesha Ewers
Dr.Keesha Ewers, a doctor of sexology and board-certified functional medicine provider goes deeper into the relationship between unresolved trauma, resentment, forgiveness and autoimmune disease.
Why Staying Single Is A Form of Healthcare with V Capaldi
V Capaldi is a TEDx Speaker and business builder living with both autoimmune disease Multiple sclerosis and Epstein-Barr. V shares how she became a millionaire by age 30 and then lost all, and her take on maintaining wellness while being in a relationship.
Fatigued, Fat & Frazzled? Sexology doctor shares health tips with Dr Keesha Ewers
Dr.Keesha Ewers, a doctor of sexology and board-certified functional medicine provider goes deeper into the relationship between unresolved trauma, resentment, forgiveness and autoimmune disease.
Eating your emotions? There’s a GENE for that with Max Gen Labs
Dr. Hailey Heard and Dr. Megan Arnold are the minds behind MaxGen Labs, a company offering genetic testing kits that are helping women with autoimmune diseases live and eat better. These tests can pinpoint the best diet, lifestyle, and fitness practices for each individual.