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Shinjō Itō - Nirvana means to extinguish the burning fires of the Three Poisons: greed, anger, and ignorance. This can be accomplished by letting go of dissatisfaction.
Not everyone goes at the same pace; and it can be awfully discouraging when you see others blowing past you. Don't forget: Comparison is the thief of joy. Embrace your own pace! #SAGElife #sagesuccessstudio #womeninbiz #midlifew
purpose in the pain... genuine gratitude for the simplest of treasures and the rarest of jewels.
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The search for happiness is the main reason for unhappiness. Stop searching. Live in the moment and enjoy life as it comes. Happiness is in your control.
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“Many of us will spend our entire lives trying to slog through the shame swampland to get to a place where we can give ourselves permission to both be imperfect and to believe we are enough.” - Brené Brown, Rising Strong
Courage, Compassion, and Connection: The Gifts of Imperfection
13 tips to embrace who you really are by Brene Brown. Being vulnerable and willing to take risks is when we make our most authentic and deepest art.
20 Uplifting Quotes on Self-Compassion for a Rainy Day - Becoming Who You Are
Love this quote from Brené Brown in her fantastic book "The Gifts of Imperfection"