Design Concept

82 Pins
m e n t h o l architekci - Bike Park
Modular green bike rack by Mala Architektura. Click image for full profile and visit the boards >>
Booklet Master Thesis Urbanism: Regreeneration
Booklet Master Thesis Urbanism: Regreeneration Booklet of master thesis Regreeneration that is composed to finish the master Urbanism at Delft University of Technology. Key words: Rogier Hendriks, graduation, master thesis, urbanism, urban design, stedenbouwkunde, stedebouwkunde, landscape architecture, landschapsarchitectuur, regeneration, green, London, Brixton, Battersea, Larkhall Park, deprived neighbourhoods
slow ottawa (@slowottawa) on X
Stormwater filtration systems from the Philadelphia Water Department’s "Green City, Clean Waters" program. Click image for link to full profile and visit the boards >>
Tecnologico de Monterrey Urban Regeneration Plan | Monterrey Mexico | Sasaki
Tecnologico de Monterrey Urban Regeneration Plan | Monterrey Mexico | Sasaki
Tecnologico de Monterrey Urban Regeneration Plan | Monterrey Mexico | Sasaki
Tecnologico de Monterrey Urban Regeneration Plan | Monterrey Mexico | Sasaki
vegetal bus stop
vertical gardening could incorporate fish water to sustain plants & both to sustain you. Plants clean fish water returning re oxygenated & clean to sustain fish. All it requires is management as we are supposed to do with creation. :)
UPDATE: zHome / David Vandervort Architects
Zero-energy community in Washington zHome is built in a transit-oriented development east of Seattle in the suburban area of Issaquah Highlands,Washington. The architects of David Vandervort Architects (DVA) were concerned with preserving the urban nature of the community as it already existed; but in addition to the amenities afforded by compact urban living, they were interested in adding privacy and residential community ties that many people associate with suburban developments.
STORM WATER MANAGEMENT (Infiltration & Recharge) - Rain Garden - Designed to drain quickly, will use typical landscaping plants & soils. Multiple small rain gardens operate better than on large rain garden. Typically used in Residential areas
Dubai Experiments with Sustainable Development | Carboun Institute
A sustainable systems diagram showing ventilation, shading, as well as integrated energy and water systems. Copyrights: X-Architects and SMAQ