
195 Pins
This Parenting Hack Will Improve Your Kid's Mental Health
Whether you want to tell them how great they were at their soccer game, or how much you love spending time with them, here are 66 positive and encouraging things to say to your child on a daily basis.
The Secret to Practicing Acceptance — Counseling Recovery, Michelle Farris, LMFT
Detachment is part of learning how to accept life on life's terms. In 12 step recovery, or when living with active addiction, it's important to know how to let go. These tips can help! Click to read more!
My Own Mind: Homeschool Atheist Momma: Parents: A Challenge for You
Social Skills
Love these tips - so helpful! Ten skills I'm definitely teaching my kid today. They're so cute, I'm even hanging them on fridge!
The Minutiae of Motherhood
You have the right to mess up your own life, but you don't have the right to mess up a child's life.
Being chosen to carry two children and give birth has been my greatest accomplishment. So glad I was chosen by the good Lord to be a mom!
Grace in Parenting — Dawn Klinge
Grace in Parenting
“I Will Be a Positive Parent in 2015” Pledge + Giveaway
“I Will Be a Positive Parent in 2015″ Pledge + Giveaway: Want to be a kind and supportive parent in 2015 who brings out the best in your kids and raises them to be stand up citizens? You don’t have to do it alone! Take the Pledge With Us to Be a Positive Parent in 2015...