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Working With Your ADHD Child's Teachers and School
Working with Your ADHD Child's Teachers and School
Executive Functioning Skills Poster - Classroom Decor
FREE Executive Functioning poster to help explain ten critical EF skills: planning, organization, time management, task initiation, working memory, metacognition, self-control, attention, flexibility, and perseverance.
Classroom accommodations for ADHD
Examples of accommodations that can be used in the classroom to help kids with ADHD
5 Ways ADHD Makes Me the Best, Rudest, Most Caring, Totally Frustrating Friend You'll Ever Have
"I’m loyal. I’m funny. I’ve got ADHD. It makes me who I am. But it can also make me seem uncaring, self-centered, or downright ditzy to new friends. Here’s what I wish they knew." #ADHD #my2020vision #myADHD2020vision #thetiesthatbind
You are more than just a diagnosis. | Dani Donovan
You are more than just a diagnosis.
The Fear of Failure Is Real — and Profound
“Researchers have ignored the emotional component of ADHD because it can’t be measured. Yet emotional disruptions are the most impairing aspects of the condition at any age.”
ADHD and Shame: Why It Happens and What to Do
Shame is “probably one of the most painful symptoms of ADHD and one of the hardest challenges to overcome.