
Dry Cracked Feet, and How to Fix Them
Dry Cracked Feet, and How to Fix Them...steve needs to do this!!
All in One Guide for the Curly Girl Method
Learn how to take care of curly hair! I finally took the time to research how to care for my curly hair the right way. This blog post gives a great step by step for the #curlygirlmethod The product links at the bottom fit every price point.
How To Take Care Of Curly Hair: 7 Things You Need To Do To Keep Your Locks Shiny, Healthy, And Frizz-Free
How to take care of curly hair: 7 things you need to do to keep your locks shiny, healthy, and frizz-free - Use cold water to wash hair - Click for more:
Want a natural scar remover? Try this! A simple do-it-yourself remedy to minimize acne marks/blemishes. Leave by mixing 1/2 teaspoon baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon purified water to create a paste. Apply to affected area for 5 minutes; splash off. After, apply coconut oil. Prevents darkening. Can be done before sleeping. Worth a try! Please SHARE
How to make your hands soft( sorry its hard to see the words in the picture): 1. Get any type of oil you would like. 2. Pour it into a bowl. 3. Take any type of salt. 4. Pour the salt into the bowl. 5. Mix very good until the oil and salt are combined. 6. Rub it on your your hands ( sorry, the salt scratches you). 7. Wash your hands until all the salt and oil is off. 8. Dry your hands nice and carefully. 9. And BAM, your hands are the softest things EVER!!!
Get Gorgeous: 6 Beauty Hacks To Make You Look Like A Million Dollars - LifeHack
Skin Resource Center
How to wash your face the right way. Personally I just wash my face and I'm done but there are a few neat facts here and how to do it in the right order.
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This Plus That: 6 Genius DIY Beauty Solutions
40 DIY Beauty Hacks That Are Borderline Genius
Learn Where to Apply Perfume for All-Day Stay - 40 DIY Beauty Hacks That Are Borderline Genius
Egg White Mask For Oily Skin - 7 Beauty Tips
"I learned from a friend of mine who is well known fashion model. She told me to mix lemon juice and egg white together and put it on my face as a mask. Let it dry and then rinse it off with warm water. I did this every sunday, after doing this my skin was less oily, The breakouts became non existent and all the acne scars were gone. pin now, try over winter break :)