Beautiful Places

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The Mystery & Allure of Jacob's Well in the Hill Country of Wimberly, Texas
JACOB’S WELL: GORGEOUS (AND DANGEROUS) FUN: There's something so alluring about a place filled with so much beauty and pristine nature- yet that has taken the lives of multiple people. Under her crystal clear waters- more specifically, 120 feet under her crystal clear waters- Jacob's Well has quietly claimed eight lives since 1935. And yet, she remains quite a popular destination for those in the Texas Hill Country. Harrison and I went to Spring Branch, TX
Rooftops of Paris at Twilight (and other Fairytales)
You know that feeling when you see an image so appealing to your senses that you just want to climb inside right then and there? That’s what the art of Russian painter Evgeny Lushpin does. I want to be standing on that rooftop at twilight; with the warm glow of home on my back and the cool evening b