
There's spiritual wisdom inside religions from around the world. Join me on a journey to discover the world religions & expand our compassion one for another as we explore world religions.
43 Pins
What is Christian Nationalism
Are you hearing the term Christian Nationalism and not sure what it means? We are being joined by Katherine Stewart, author of “The Power Worshipers” – the new Rob Reiner documentary, “God & Country,” is based on her book! We will also be joined by Rev Karla, the viral Reverend helping people “Discover the Spiritual-but-not-Religious Path”, and three journalists reporting on Christian Nationalism in government: Jenny Cohn, Cyril Mychalejko, and Kira Resistance.
Weaponization of Religious Beliefs
Throughout history, religion has been at the core of some of our most deadly human tragedies. Extremist views lead to extremist actions. As soon as we awaken to the right of each and every human being to exist with the same rights as everyone else, we can move beyond the toxic side of organized religion and welcome compassion, inclusion, equality, social justice and equity. Human rights must be reconciled with our spirituality.
New Course from Rev Karla
Rev Karla's NEW Course God is Gay...and Black and Female and Non-Binary is available! This course offers profound insights, powerful guest speakers, and a supportive community to help you break free from harmful beliefs, embrace your authentic self, and create a more inclusive and compassionate world. We would be honored to have you join. 🔗in bio. . . . #revkarla #godisgay #pride #toxictheology #releaseindoctrinatedbeliefs #healingreligioustrauma #lgtqia #pride #lovewins
God Is Gay » NumaSoul
In this groundbreaking program we will: > Explain how the “clobber” verses in the Bible have been mistranslated and taken out of context to dehumanize and condemn the LGBTQ+ community. > Shatter the silence on religious trauma and spiritual abuse > Shed light on the truth and normalcy of being LGBTQIA+ — what has always been and what will always be. > Help free you of any shame, self-doubt, homophobia, transphobia and toxic patriarchal ideologies.
Intuitive soul
I've often heard it said that someone has the unique gift of intuition, as if that is available to only a few. That simply is not true. Intuition is a sacred soul connection that is an ever-present companion. We simply are connected to it, or we aren't. Of course, not everything is intuitive. We often convince ourselves of things when the ego overshadows the gentle and quiet workings of the soul. Read my latest blog post for more on listening to your inner voice.
As close as your breath
Never take for granted what can happen when we pause and create a space for breath. Be still, Beloved. God is indeed as close as your next breath.
Love thy neighbor
Who is your neighbor? Well, I can't speak for you, but mine are the LGBTQ+ community, the BIPOC community, the atheist, the pagan, the wiccan...you get the picture.
Your path is sacred
There are many people out there playing God by judging your spiritual path as if it was their job. It isn't -- it is between you and God.
It's between you and God
And that includes religion. It is between you and God
No rules
Church may be the container that beautifully holds your spirituality, but it doesn't mean it works for another. It's just as sacred to walk through the woods and marvel at God's creation.
God is big enough to share
No religion or church owns God. It's a good day to remember that.
Do not disturb
Because church is where the Holy is -- not where the buildling is.
We are a prisoner to things we can't change
Check out my latest blog at revkarla.com
Thank you Summer Solstice
Do you sense the earth's gentle turn toward the darkness as daylight begins to dwindle each day? Accept the gifts of wisdom in this season.