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Prayer for my daughter
Let her know she is indeed, A princess, In a Kingdom far greater, Than any fairy tale. A Kingdom with a, Great King, Who reigns with justice, And mercy.
A Wife's Prayer For Her Husband - MARRIAGE AFTER GOD
A Wife's Prayer For Her Husband ~ In the midst of all the pins bashing their husbands, pray for him! #God
New on Amazon: Adoring His Attributes Prayer Devotional - Free Indeed
During the month of August the Free Indeed community creatively explored the attributes of God in His Word. This challenge was complemented by Free Indeed’s most popular resource for Christian women – Adoring His Attributes – a downloadable, printable 30 day devotional that focuses on worshipping the wonderful attributes of God through prayer. It explores 30 of …
Prayer for panic attacks
A powerful prayer for panic attacks.
Affirmations: Use Positive Daily Affirmations
Affirmations: At the Beginning, Middle and End of your day I am a crazy bad A Momma with Dreams big enough to fill up every major league baseball stadium. It’s safe to say that I’m a bit on the ambitious side, and I believe everyone should be. Every Man, Woman and Child should believe in their capabilities
Josh Spaulding's Salvation Testimony Book
Start your day with this prayer.