toddler classroom ideas

15 Pins
Play Recipes for Kids
Growing A Jeweled Rose: 100 Things You Can Purchase from the Dollar Tree and Use in Play
Make your own crayons, play doh, baby wipes & more
All the recipes for make your own...Play doh, bath paint, colored pasta, big bubbles, sidewalk chalk,finger paints,colored rice, glues, spray paints, pavement paint and more.
Perfect stocking stuffer!
supposed to be the best....This is the BEST BEST BEST play dough recipe you will ever find. Add a bit of baby oil to get a softer texture. - This website is for sale! -  Resources and Information.
Play Create Explore: Shaving Cream Marbled Paper
Glowing Water Recipe for Kids
Growing A Jeweled Rose: Glowing Water- Uses and How to Make it!
Science Kits & Science Toys | Steve Spangler Science
Teaching density. Shake it up and watch it separate again.
toddler “busy bag” swap, take two!
popsicle stick puzzle with numbers. Easy and fun for kids to make for shoe boxes. They can print any picture for the puzzle. I made dinosaur puzzle using large craft sticks (tongue depressor size) for my grandaughter. She loved it.
Wanna Be Silkies & Holder - Infarrantly Creative
WOAH! And i just threw away who knows how many gluesticks!! // Melt down crayon pieces and pour into glue stick containers to harden. Big crayons that can be rolled up as they are used - great idea!! - Re-pinned by #PediaStaff. Visit for all our pediatric therapy pins
Color *Explosion* - this was made by putting a drop of paint on paper and the kids blew on the paint with straws. Love it!