Draco and hermione and everything-not-so-muggle-related

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I love how these two love each other enough to care so much for one another without being in love with one another. This is how it should be.
Leatherbound "Harry Potter" book comes with horcrux bookmarks, shut up and take my sickles!
Viral pictures of the day: Leatherbound "Harry Potter" book comes with horcrux bookmarks, shut up and take my sickles!
35 Reasons Why the Cast of 'Harry Potter' is the Best - moviepilot.com
WHOAH FOOD!!!!!!!!LOOK AT ALL THIS FIOD!!!!!!??,!!!!!!!'mjn!!! ....yeah food. What's my next class...
:( one of the most beautiful Harry potter things I've seen. Draco secretly attending Fred's funeral.
This is right in the feels... But did Lavender actually die? She was attacked by Greyback in the book. She couldn't have lived & just had the same "Furry little problem" as others?