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If you cannot be a poet, be the poem.
If you cannot be a poet, be the poem. — "Holding On and Letting Go" April 20th. My...
Crush Cul de Sac
He and I, when words run dry, he does not try, nor do I. We are on par. He just is, I just am, and we just are. --Lang Leav
How To Recover From Betrayal (Not just love betrayal, but betrayal of all kinds)
How To Recover From Betrayal (Not just love betrayal, but betrayal of all kinds.) Click image to read essay!
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The Blooming of Madness poem 62 by Christopherspoetry on Etsy, $10.00
If you cannot be a poet, be the poem.
If you cannot be a poet, be the poem.
Your Daily Source of Quotes
I LOVE this. Sometimes, on some level, two people just work. Whether it be love or friendships.
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"I am human, and therefore strong enough to over come every obstacle, rise to every occasion. This in no way means it is easy, or simple, but rather that I am strong enough to overcome the obstacles that lay in my way, tough enough to conquer every challenge." - Marcus Herron
"you would know exactly how bright and beautiful you are if you saw yourself in the moments you are truly beautiful."