Plant Combinations and Plant Pairings

Perennials and other landscape gardening plant, trees, flowers that pair well together. Plant pairing guide for perfect plant combinations that will add interest and focal points to your garden. Plant combinations and pairings for spring, summer, fall and winter.
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What To Plant With Purple Flowers & Best Colors to Add to Purple Gardens
In spring, purple crocus, alliums, geranium, salvia, catmint will bring the garden to life. For purple blooms all summer long, use clematis, balloon flower, lavender, blazing star, hydrangeas. End the season with bursts of purple asters, blue Vervain and globe thistle in the fall. Also learn about what flowers will compliment a purple color scheme. Plant similar colors to purple. Add excitement to purple by planting opposite colors. Create amazing color schemes for your purple plants.
How to Make Stunning Plant Combos in the Garden
Contrast is the key to combining plants like a pro. Here are some simple ways to use contrast: Combine plants with dark colors & light colors. Pair plants with soft, fluffy foliage & Sharp, spikey foliage. Place plants with little leaves next to plants with big leaves. Put a vertical plant form next to a horizontal one!
How to Create Gorgeous Garden Color Schemes (Lots of Color Scheme Examples)
Create gorgeous color schemes for your garden + some awesome color scheme examples to try. When choosing colors for your garden, take cues from your clothes and your home décor. These are the colors that you’re drawn to and will give you a sense of what you may like in your garden, too! Using the color wheel, you can create harmonious garden color schemes that will evoke different types of moods. Learn about using analogous, complementary and complex color schemes in your garden designs.
Plant Combinations: How to make unforgettable plant pairings
Create stunning plant combinations in your garden with these easy steps. Contrast is most important when combining plants like the pros. Contrast is how similar or different two things are. In the garden, we use contrast to create harmony, flow and excitement in our plant combinations. When combining plants, the three types of contrast to look at are color, texture and form (shape). By mixing plants with different colors and contrast you'll be on your way to designing like a pro.
What To Plant With Purple Flowers & Best Colors to Add to Purple Gardens
In spring, purple crocus, alliums, geranium, salvia, catmint will bring the garden to life. For purple blooms all summer long, use clematis, balloon flower, lavender, blazing star, hydrangeas. End the season with bursts of purple asters, blue Vervain and globe thistle in the fall. Also learn about what flowers will compliment a purple color scheme. Plant similar colors to purple. Add excitement to purple by planting opposite colors. Create amazing color schemes for your purple plants.
How to Make Stunning Plant Combos in the Garden
Contrast is the key to combining plants like a pro. Here are some simple ways to use contrast: Combine plants with dark colors & light colors. Pair plants with soft, fluffy foliage & Sharp, spikey foliage. Place plants with little leaves next to plants with big leaves. Put a vertical plant form next to a horizontal one!
How to Create Gorgeous Garden Color Schemes (Lots of Color Scheme Examples)
Create gorgeous color schemes for your garden + some awesome color scheme examples to try. When choosing colors for your garden, take cues from your clothes and your home décor. These are the colors that you’re drawn to and will give you a sense of what you may like in your garden, too! Using the color wheel, you can create harmonious garden color schemes that will evoke different types of moods. Learn about using analogous, complementary and complex color schemes in your garden designs.
Plant Combinations: How to make unforgettable plant pairings
Create stunning plant combinations in your garden with these easy steps. Contrast is most important when combining plants like the pros. Contrast is how similar or different two things are. In the garden, we use contrast to create harmony, flow and excitement in our plant combinations. When combining plants, the three types of contrast to look at are color, texture and form (shape). By mixing plants with different colors and contrast you'll be on your way to designing like a pro.
What To Plant With Purple Flowers & Best Colors to Add to Purple Gardens
In spring, purple crocus, alliums, geranium, salvia, catmint will bring the garden to life. For purple blooms all summer long, use clematis, balloon flower, lavender, blazing star, hydrangeas. End the season with bursts of purple asters, blue Vervain and globe thistle in the fall. Also learn about what flowers will compliment a purple color scheme. Plant similar colors to purple. Add excitement to purple by planting opposite colors. Create amazing color schemes for your purple plants.
How to Make Stunning Plant Combos in the Garden
Contrast is the key to combining plants like a pro. Here are some simple ways to use contrast: Combine plants with dark colors & light colors. Pair plants with soft, fluffy foliage & Sharp, spikey foliage. Place plants with little leaves next to plants with big leaves. Put a vertical plant form next to a horizontal one!
How to Create Gorgeous Garden Color Schemes (Lots of Color Scheme Examples)
Create gorgeous color schemes for your garden + some awesome color scheme examples to try. When choosing colors for your garden, take cues from your clothes and your home décor. These are the colors that you’re drawn to and will give you a sense of what you may like in your garden, too! Using the color wheel, you can create harmonious garden color schemes that will evoke different types of moods. Learn about using analogous, complementary and complex color schemes in your garden designs.
Plant Combinations: How to make unforgettable plant pairings
Create stunning plant combinations in your garden with these easy steps. Contrast is most important when combining plants like the pros. Contrast is how similar or different two things are. In the garden, we use contrast to create harmony, flow and excitement in our plant combinations. When combining plants, the three types of contrast to look at are color, texture and form (shape). By mixing plants with different colors and contrast you'll be on your way to designing like a pro.
What To Plant With Purple Flowers & Best Colors to Add to Purple Gardens
In spring, purple crocus, alliums, geranium, salvia, catmint will bring the garden to life. For purple blooms all summer long, use clematis, balloon flower, lavender, blazing star, hydrangeas. End the season with bursts of purple asters, blue Vervain and globe thistle in the fall. Also learn about what flowers will compliment a purple color scheme. Plant similar colors to purple. Add excitement to purple by planting opposite colors. Create amazing color schemes for your purple plants.
How to Make Stunning Plant Combos in the Garden
Contrast is the key to combining plants like a pro. Here are some simple ways to use contrast: Combine plants with dark colors & light colors. Pair plants with soft, fluffy foliage & Sharp, spikey foliage. Place plants with little leaves next to plants with big leaves. Put a vertical plant form next to a horizontal one!
How to Create Gorgeous Garden Color Schemes (Lots of Color Scheme Examples)
Create gorgeous color schemes for your garden + some awesome color scheme examples to try. When choosing colors for your garden, take cues from your clothes and your home décor. These are the colors that you’re drawn to and will give you a sense of what you may like in your garden, too! Using the color wheel, you can create harmonious garden color schemes that will evoke different types of moods. Learn about using analogous, complementary and complex color schemes in your garden designs.