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A young Filipino Resistance fighter poses with a flag of the United States Army Forces in the Far East following the routing of Japanese occupying forces from her province. August, 1945. [1154 x 1524]
A young Filipino Resistance fighter poses with a flag of the United States Army Forces in the Far East following the routing of Japanese occupying forces from her province. August 1945. [1154 x 1524]
The Short and Tragic Life of the First Igorot Beauty Queen - FilipiKnow
After her graduation from Bua, Chainus was handpicked by the school director, Mrs. Alice Kelly, to go to Manila to take up education at Philippine Normal School and later, a nursing course at St. Luke’s Hospital. Unfortunately, she contracted turberculosis from which she never recovered. She died with Episcopal Bishop Florencio Mosher by her side.
A group of native girls, Philippines. Image Publisher: Keystone View Company Date: ca. 1910s
15 Mesmerizing Facts About President Manuel Quezon - FilipiKnow
President Manuel Quezon: undisputedly the most dapper and stylishly dressed Philippine President of all time