Harry Potter hangover

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Dementors are here sucking the life from me.. Wait. No. That's work, work sucks the life out of me. - Humor me - Work
In Harry Potter, Hedwig enters Harry's life as his first true friend. She stays by his side throughout the series, and in the Deathly Hallows, she dies trying to protect him.
Animal Photo of the Day 37
полярная сова в парке роев ручей в красноярске - polar owl
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Harry Potter will never truly be gone as long as there are those who remain loyal. #16YearsPhilosophersStone
Expecto Patronum
10. Favorite spell: Expecto Patronum. The quote above really does the meaning and depth to this spell justice. In a time of danger and darkness, this spell offers safety and happiness. By remembering the happiest memory that one has, this spell gives relief from the darkness and sadness that surrounds you. Not to mention, the animal that the protunus takes form of is unique to every person.
Minimal Movie Posters
Obviously there has to be a large Harry Potter presence on my Pinterest
Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.
Harry Potter Stuff
Harry Potter. Without Harry potter, I honestly wouldn't have had a complete child hood. The magic it made me feel. I am a true potterhead⚡️