three cheese fact cards with the words cheese tasting written on each one and an image of two

Life Skills / Home Ec: Cooking / Baking CHEESE Lesson Worksheet Activity

Product Details
Worksheet for Home Ec/Life Skills Class. I used this in a cooking unit in Life Skills. This worksheet was the base for my curriculum lesson on CHEESE. 1st worksheet walks students through the 7 classifications of cheese and they have to think of examples. 2nd worksheet has serving and storage tips, cheese terms (matching for students) and 8 fun facts with blanks they can guess at. Answers included so it can be a great discussion and answer time for all the basic.3rd worksheet includes flavor profiles (descriptive adjectives) you might find when tasting cheeses. This is the activity part where you will have a lot of fun with your students. I've included spots for 8 different cheeses, you could add more. Exposing students to cheese they've never tasted is something they might remember for a long time to come and is a great education to cheese for them. I purchase 8 blocks and do very tiny samples for each, pair with crackers and water or juice to cleanse their pallet in between tasting. Teacher's notes includes facts on most popular/easier to find cheese that you might include.***********************************************************************Hope Creek Studios specializes in Art Studio and History, Photography and Graphic Design lessons and creative aids. Click here to see MORE STUDIO ART worksheets, lessons, & creative aids in our TPT store!FOLLOW ME to get FREEBIES to your email from Hope Creek Art Studios***********************************************************************Let's Connectwww.HopeCreekAcres.comPinterestFacebookInstagram********************************************************************** 2023 Hope Creek Art Studios/Hope Creek Acres ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.