Christmas crafts

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I took a vase, fake snow, a white glimmer reindeer, some silver tree branches, and some white pearl and flower decorations and some white christmas lights and made a winter wonderland to brighten up the dark days we are having here in Iceland More
Décoration de Noël DIY pas cher - 28 décorations de Noël DIY à tomber par terre - Elle
Décoration de Noël DIY pas cher
How to make paper Snowflakes - It's Always Autumn
Cutting out snowflakes is one of our favorite holiday traditions! Learn how to cut snowflakes with this video tutorial and free snowflake templates. Easy Christmas or winter craft for kids.
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Around this time of year finding wood, sticks and branches outside is an easy task with all of the trees having shed their leaves - but what's even better is how they can be used to transform your...
Popsicle Stick Santas
Create a DIY santa ornament out of popsicle sticks. These are SO CUTE and super easy to make!
Begrüßt den Advent mit einem Kranz an der Tür - Weihnachtskranz basteln
Weihnachtskranz basteln - 20 Ideen - Weihnachten 2017 - basteln für Weihnachten - DIY Dekoideen Weihnachten - Türkranz selber basteln - DIY Weihnachtsdeko - basteln mit Papier