
323 Pins
The Quick View Bible » Who is God? I personally don't preach on the trinity nor do I care of such pity things. God is Jesus Christ who is also the holy spirit. Just pinned this for the scriptures referenced. @IKnowHim and Heknowsme@
Edition 9
It is also very important to note that our Lord declares in Mathew 24:32-34 that the generation that sees the birth of Israel as a nation (and other signs) will not pass away until all these things (tribulation) are fulfilled. Israel became a nation in 1948. So if the terminal generation starts at the birth of Israel and ends with the second coming, the question is simply, how long is a generation?
Infographic: Every dream in the Bible (and what they mean) - OverviewBible
The Dreams of the Bible
Bible Questions & Answers
Who is God? This image from the NIV Quickview Bible gives insight into the characteristics of who God is. #NIVBible
The Quick View Bible » Who is God? I personally don't preach on the trinity nor do I care of such pity things. God is Jesus Christ who is also the holy spirit. Just pinned this for the scriptures referenced. @IKnowHim and Heknowsme@
[Infographic] Tithing In The Old Testament
Excellent graphic work on Tithes by Ken Mafli. #Bible
"For the Israelites will live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred stones, without ephod or household gods. Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the LORD their God and David their king. They will come trembling to the LORD and to his blessing the last days." Hosea 3:4-5
Brief Timeline of Christian History
Brief Timeline of Christian History
APELJITU - BO tebak togel online resmi yang di jamin amanh dan terpercaya
The better we understand the 12 tribes, the better we understand Israel’s important (and weird) history.