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The #1 Thing I Do With Leftover Coffee (PS: I'm Not Drinking It)
The Number 1 Thing I Do w/ Leftover Coffee That Has Nothing to Do with Drinking It! | House Fur
How to Water the 15 Most Popular Houseplants
Best Indoor Plants This is a guideline for watering. Not recommending all plants here as dog safe!
Why Does This Indonesian Volcano Burn Bright Blue?
Kawah Ijen's "Blue Lava" isn't the lava itself, but is due to the combustion of sulfuric gases in contact with air at temperatures above 360°C. There's so much sulfur, that at times it flows down the rock face as it burns, making it seem as though blue lava is spilling down the mountainside. But because only the flames are blue, rather than the lava itself, the effect is only visible at night—during daytime, the volcano looks like any other. And it was sooooo beautiful
The 8 MBTI traits broken down. Lots of people ask me the difference between sending and intuition or judging and perceiving....*brushes shirt* I know my stuff.
people born in september and november live longer
People born in September and November live longer - WTF fun facts (source)
Roll for zestyness
How eye genetics work MORE OF WTF FUN facts are coming HERE relationships and fun facts. sweet i was 37% of the people tht got green eyes from my dad kewl tht makes me feel special
Make Your Own Mosquito Repellent Bracelet
Nothing can spoil summer fun faster than pesky bug bites! Whether your hiking, fishing, gardening, or just playing in the backyard, you can fight bugs naturally with these clever and effective mosquito repellent bracelets you can make yourself!
36 Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About
The 36 Best Kept Kitchen Secrets
5 Best Homemade Mosquito and Insect Repellent
5 Best Homemade Mosquito and Insect Repellent insects camping diy diy ideas easy diy bugs tips life hacks all natural camping hacks good to know repellent repellents
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