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OWWA-NLDC LDPO Program is an existing tie-up of OWWA with the National Livelihood Development Corporation (NLDC) to provide access to OFWs and their families to capital for their entrepreneurial activities while and/or after working abroad. It is an OFW livelihood loan with possible enterprises such as trading, services, and agri-business. #filipinosworld #owwabenefits Help The OFW News FILIPINOSWORLD.NET to get better by clicking ❶ Li
OWWA Benefits for Overseas Filipino
Lifestyle is practically opposite; there are many Filipinos who wish to stay for a longer time working overseas for the reason that the standard of living they’re enjoying.
Assurance is necessary when you are away from home. Who will give you direct protection while you are working overseas? If you want to know your overseas partner, you have come to the right place in finding out OWWA benefits and programs. #filipinosworld #owwabenefits Help The OFW News FILIPINOSWORLD.NET to get better by clicking ❶ Like ✔ ★★★ ❷ Tag ✔ ★★★ ❸ Share
OWWA Welfare Office is in-charge of monitoring the condition of our fellow workers abroad as well as their family members in the Philippines by offering a 24/7 communication line to those who need information, assistance and help through the innovation of OWWA Official Hotline -24/7 . #filipinosworld #owwabenefits Help The OFW News FILIPINOSWORLD.NET to get better by clicking ❶ Like ✔ ★★★ ❷ Tag ✔ ★★★ ❸ Share
OWWA provides a scholarship program for member’s designated beneficiary. This scholarship grant is a financial grant to acquire higher education but this award is subject to a selection process and accreditation of participating institutions. #filipinosworld #owwabenefits Help The OFW News FILIPINOSWORLD.NET to get better by clicking ❶ Like ✔ ★★★ ❷ Tag ✔ ★★★ ❸ Share
OWWA members may avail of official OWWA assistance to return to the Philippines in a situation of emergency or distress. Including provision of services to facilitate immediate repatriation of distressed OFWs, medically-ill OFWs, human remains, etc. #filipinosworld #owwabenefits Help The OFW News FILIPINOSWORLD.NET to get better by clicking ❶ Like ✔ ★★★ ❷ Tag ✔ ★★★ ❸ Share
Funeral Expenses - Avail OWWA Burial Benefits. OWWA is aware about this and provides member’s beneficiary a burial benefit to augment funeral expenses.
The OWWA is a membership institution. As such, its programs, projects and services are geared towards safeguarding and promoting the welfare and interests of its members. #filipinosworld #owwabenefits Help The OFW News FILIPINOSWORLD.NET to get better by clicking ❶ Like ✔ ★★★ ❷ Tag ✔ ★★★ ❸ Share
All you have to do is to be attentive and this will prevent breakup or end of your sacred relationship. #filipinosworld #relationship #relationshipadvice
Human relationships, inevitably, have their own catastrophes: brother vs. brother, a family against kindred, son vs. father and the like – more so man vs. woman. #filipinosworld #relationship #relationshipadvice
Manny Poohquiao In Saudi Arabia Part 3
Pookyaw sa Saudi Arabia. Visit us for more Filipinos abroad stories