
25 Pins
ok...apply for 1 month 1 time per week. hair grows about 10 cm! mask recipe is very simple and is based on the fact that mustard bake, warming the skin of the head and causing a rush of blood to the hair follicles: 2 tablespoons dry mustard powder (available from the Department of spices) with hot water to dissolve 2 tablespoons of hot water 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons olive (peach, burdock, and any other cosmetic oil) 2 teaspoons of sugar (the more sugar, the meaner)
Caramel Highlights on Brunette - Hair Colors Ideas
The brown is pretty close to my natural hair color...with a touch of caramel highlights. I think this is about as close to going blond as hubby will let me. He keeps saying "I didn't marry a blond!!"