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Free Ways to Advertise Your Book self-publishing independent author website information novel writing non-fiction fiction books manuscripts how-to
How to Avoid Plot Holes in Your Stories and Fix the Ones You Have — The Multidisciplinary Creative
How to Avoid Plot Holes in Your Stories: and Fix the Ones You Have
The debut author checklist
Maybe you've just sold your first book to a publisher. Or perhaps you've decided to take that next step as an indie author and self-publish for the first time. First thing's first. . . congratulations! But what happens next? As a debut author there are some things you need to do to set yourself up for a career in writ
A Writer's Guide To Persistence
Practice. Polish. Persist. Your writing journey can take you many places: hiking through steep mountains,traversing unknown territory, hurdling both roadblocks and rejections. Eventhe siren song of fame and fortune can distract you from your true purpose: toexpress yourself in an authentic and meaningful way, and to share your wordswith others. A Writer's Guide to Persistence is your road map through the rugged terrain ofthe writer's path. You'll discover advice and techniques for cultivat
When and How to Introduce Your Character’s Origin Story
Reveal your character’s origin story without burying your plot or losing readers. Plus find out how to craft a unique origin story for your character!
Use “Urgent Story Questions” to Create Tension - Storm Writing School
Learn how to make the most of "urgent story questions" in order to grip readers.
How Storytelling Makes You Attractive? | Increase Attractiveness With ONE Skill | Why Everyone Loves a Good Storyteller
9 Things Great Leaders Say Every Day
9 Things Great Leaders Say Every Day | People judge you by what you do--and by what you say. Here are nine phrases that should roll off your lips every single day.