All Things Kindergarten

Ideas, resources, activities and worksheets for Kindergarten students. There are ideas for teaching literacy, math, phonics, reading, writing, grammar and more!
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CVC Decodable Sentences
Use these CVC decodable sentence cards to get your students building high quality, decodable sentences. Students will build silly sentences, that will have them reading and writing in an engaging way!
Blending Cards for Reading Practice
These blending cards are a wonderful tool to use to help students practice decoding words. Students read the CVC words using the finger dots and then clip the matching picture. This is a fun Kindergarten reading activity!
CVC Word Puzzles with Decodable Words
This reading center is designed for Kindergarten students to practice reading CVC words. It breaks up the decoding process with the use of finger dots and arrows. The activity also has students match the words to thei corresponding pictures.
Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Response Worksheets
Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Response Worksheets. It is difficult to find independent reading comprehension activities for Kindergarten. These sheets will have your students responding to texts by making predictions, exploring story elements such as the problem and solution, making text connections and more!
Prepositions worksheet for Kindergarten
Here is a preposition worksheet that will help build prepositional vocabulary in your kindergarten students. It includes the words "on", "behind", "next to", and "in". Prepositions are an important grammar skill in Kindergarten.