
631 Pins
Carrinho de transporte de argamassa Short Clip - STUHLERT MAQ®
Carrinho de transporte de argamassa Short Clip - STUHLERT MAQ® - YouTube
Adi Mudra (First-Hand Gesture): Steps, Benefits & More - 7pranayama
“Yoga” is a form of art practiced by yogis (Hindu monks) of India. yoga refers to specific mudras and attitudes. Mudras help in creating a balance between the five elements and enhance the smooth energy flow in the human body. mudra is known as “energy seal”. This has been the practice of our ancestors for years.
Грубость сельского стиля: брус в интерьере - Квартира, дом, дача - Медиаплатформа МирТесен
Грубость сельского стиля: брус в интерьере - Квартира, дом, дача - медиаплатформа МирТесен