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men's fashion
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The Sarcastic Professional — serendipitousromance: perricatherine: YES....
It's all about the fit.
Nick Losacco
Aleesha, Kristen, Emily, Lauren, and Rachel (from left to right) modelled for me last week for this fashion group shot. All of them were awesome to work with. After about an hour of shooting in the studio, and much longer editing, this image was created. Lauren and Rachel were composited in from another shot because I preferred their posing and expressions from that shot. Thanks, girls, for the great modelling! Hover your mouse over the image for nerdy photography facts! Profoto
How Pants Should Fit: Dress Pants, Khakis, Jeans, and Shorts
How Pants Should Fit – The Principles of Fit - Primer
The Sarcastic Professional — serendipitousromance: perricatherine: YES....
It's all about the fit.
How a Shirt Should Fit - The Principles of Fit
How a Dress Shirt Should Fit. YES.
Men's Style Tip: Never would have thought to pair a hoodie w/ a dress-shirt and tie, but I'm absolutely lovin' it!!!