Fitness Tips

Hey there! So you've been eating healthy and reducing your overall toxic load by using natural cleaners, skin-safe fabrics, and a host of other things. But you haven't quite reached the energy levels and positive mindset you've heard is possible. I created this board to share fitness tips and research to help you make simple steps toward a healthier, more capable version of you. I'd love to hear back from you when you try them!
5 Pins
The 5 Best Non-Toxic Yoga Mats
"Some yoga mats marketed as eco-friendly are made of materials that present environmental and human health hazards." In this post I share 7 materials to avoid and the top 5 non-toxic yoga mats I recommend. Two of these five mats are used daily in our house!
The Resurgence Of The Kettlebell: How An Old-School Tool For Strongmen Became A Must-Have Piece Of E
In this article, you’re going to discover more of the fascinating history of the kettlebell, and how you can personally use it for strength, power, rehab, massive calorie burning, functional movement and much more. #functionalfitness #fitnesstips
Exercise Motivation (6 Ways You Can Spark Your Desire To Work Out)
By using practical lifestyle tips, supplements, and brain training, you can hack your mind to not only become smarter, but also to improve exercise motivation. In this article, you’ll learn about how to get your brain to operate at peak efficiency so that you can not only get yourself out to the door to exercise, but also compete at peak mental efficiency. #fitnesstips #fitnesshacks #functionalfitness
5 Unconventional Workouts To Add To Your Repertoire.
My 5 latest unconventional workouts (in no particular order of importance) that every fitness enthusiast should have in their fitness toolbox. When it comes to throwing a metabolic curveball at your body, the best workout is often the one that you're not currently doing. #fitnesstips #functionalfitness #functionalworkouts #bengreenfield
Best Balance Board – Top 10 Reviewed – Shape Junkie
Read about the 7 benefits of using a balance during your workouts.