
33 Pins
Hand Lettering for Bible Journaling - 5 Tips to Get Started — t.His | Rock This Revival
I am often asked if I use special pens to make the words on my Bible pages look the way they do. While there are special pens and markers to allow you to achieve the same look, I usually don’t use those in my bible. You CAN; I just normally don’t. Below is an example of the lettering I’m talking about. What I am doing in my bible is called hand lettering (or sometimes called faux calligraphy). Hand lettering is different from dip pen calligraphy and brush pen calligraphy. These ARE do...
Brush Lettering Guide (Gross)
Der Brush Lettering Guide für Anfänger! Dir gefällt der Brush Lettering Schriftstil? Du willst selbst Texte mit dem Pinselstift schreiben und Karten damit verzieren? Du weißt aber nicht, wie die Buchstaben genau aussehen sollen? Dann lade dir den #letterattack Brush … Weiterlesen →
Sorry I haven't been able to post these past few days! The lightning wasn't good and I'm very busy recently Since many of you ask for a header guide so this is how I make my header
Sorry I haven't been able to post these past few days! The lightning wasn't good and I'm very busy recently Since many of you ask for a header guide so this is how I make my header
14 Creative Headers for Your Bullet Journal
Fun and creative headers to add decoration to your bullet journal
10 ideas para tener apuntes bonitos y ordenados todo el tiempo