Artists that inspire

Tears slipped down her face as she felt the last drops of humanity draining from her soul. She had brief feelings of this before, a need-no, a thirst for human flesh. The disease had already been rooted inside of her, It had rotted all of her skin and now it seemed to be rotting her mind. She was finally becoming what they had called her... A Zombie
Una artista crea emotivos dibujos para expresar sus pensamientos - Cultura Inquieta
Ani Castillo illustrations Cultura Inquieta17
Don Kenn (update)
Don Kenn (AKA John Kenn Mortensen), who continues to fill Post-It pads and other odds and ends of office supplies with pen drawings of his d...
Strange and beautiful creatures by Nicoletta Ceccoli - Ego - AlterEgo
By Nicoletta Ceccoli. I love these so much