Studio Design

318 Pins
HaT Architects 日高海渡と戸井田哲郎によって共同設立。個人住宅の設計から、企業との恊働による商業施設やホステル等の企画・ブランディングまで行う。
Ikea Nordli Kommode im Schlafzimmer (DIY / Ikeahack)
Antwe Interior Design | St. Petersburg - Kremenchugskaya
Antwe Interior Design | St. Petersburg - Kremenchugskaya
Inside New York City's First Luxury Micro-Apartment Building, Where Units Start at 265 Square Feet
(Photo credit: Ollie)
Gallery of Micro-Apartments: Are Expanding Tables and Folding Furniture a Solution to Inequality? - 2
Gallery of Micro-Apartments: Are Expanding Tables and Folding Furniture a Solution to Inequality? - 2