Costumes/ character designs, etc

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花月 on Twitter
❀花月❀予約販売中 on Twitter: "狩衣セーラー📓✐… "
花月 on Twitter
❀花月❀ on Twitter: "和セーラー📓✐… "
花月@初画集『現代創作和服』予約中🌸 on Twitter
❀花月❀ on Twitter: "㉑~㉔… "
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Female costume design with fantasy elven influences. Owner: jeweledphoenix Only myself and the owner (purchaser) have the right to display the design. You may not use this costume for your characte...
Female costume design with fantasy elven influences. Owner: jeweledphoenix Only myself and the owner (purchaser) have the right to display the design. You may not use this costume for your characte...
[CLOSED] ADOPTABLE | Pastel Bunny by ocono on DeviantArt
Female costume design with fantasy elven influences. Owner: jeweledphoenix Only myself and the owner (purchaser) have the right to display the design. You may not use this costume for your characte...