Relationship Advice

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Is love really blind? | Vulta Blog
Is love really blind? Short answer, yes. Long answer? My reasoning for this phenomenon is explained in this blog post. #LoveIsBlind #Relationships #Emotions #IsLoveReallyBlind #LovePhenomenon #UnderstandingLove #BlindLove #HumanConnections #RelationshipInsights #LoveLife
How to structure a chain of command: Define the group's purpose and values | Vulta Blog
One of the most important aspects of building a successful team or organization is defining its purpose and values. By defining the group's values, you ensure that your teammates know what is important and what behavior is expected of them. #selfimprovement #chainofcommand #business #group
How to build good relationships that last long: Do not lose your temper | Vulta Blog
All of us have experienced being shouted at, at least once in life, it does not feel good. So If you have any type of #relationship that you value, then regardless of the reason, do make sure you know how to control your #temper. #selfimprovement
How to build good relationships that last long: Pay attention to details | Vulta Blog
Thoughtful gifts and gestures that is personalized can do wonders in maintaining and creating a long-lasting relationship. Remembering and celebrating special events such as Birthdays and Anniversaries, is also great for a relationship to last long. #selfimprovement #relationshipadvice
How to make a good first impression: Be Stress free | Vulta Blog
Before engaging into a conversation, an activity or any type of interaction, it is best to be stress free, stress after all can reveal unsightly flaws in people that they themselves might not even be aware of. Quick solutions for stress: Meditate, perform light exercises, listen to music, express gratitude, and more. #goodimpression #firstimpression #StressRelief #Mindfulness #Relaxation #MentalHealth #StressFreeLiving #HealthyMind #StressManagement #MindsetMatters
How often do you interact towards each other? | Vulta Blog
Interacting with one another is the first step on starting a relationship; The more you interact, the more opportunity you are able to show each other's character and interests. #selfimprovement #relationships #relationships advice
How to improve the Group’s Culture: Encourage open communication | Vulta Blog
By making people feel comfortable in expressing their thoughts and ideas without fear of repercussions, you allow people to share information that may benefit the entire team. #selfimprovement #opencommunication #chainofcommand #groupculture
What to do if you are Angry: Identify the Trigger | Vulta Blog
First things first, identify what triggered your feeling of anger—the cause of your anger. Once identified, seek guidance from either a professional, a close friend, or even a spiritual figure. #selfimprovement #angry #whattodo #whattodoifangry
How to make small talk: Know when to end the conversation | Vulta Blog
Dragging on a conversation longer than it needs to be risks you to run out of topics to say and leaves a bad taste in both of your mouths. Knowing when the ripe time to leave a conversation can only be honed through experience. #selfimprovement #smalltalk
How to make a good first impression: Dress properly | Vulta Blog
How you dress reflects on how people perceive you. Dressing properly will help you make a good first impression. If you dress poorly, people will perceive you negatively, the opposite is also true. #selfimprovement #firstimpression #fashion
How to build good relationships that last long: Admit your wrongs | Vulta Blog
I once considered this as common sense, but after reflecting on my past actions and the actions of my peers and family, I realized that this advice, despite how obvious it is, is still worth mentioning. Once you realize you are in the wrong, apologize immediately, don’t let it simmer, because it will damage the relationship the longer it stays. #selfimprovement #relationships #relationshipadvice
How to make a good first impression: Be clean in mind and body | Vulta Blog
Cleanliness is the absence of filth or the absence of impurities. Cleanse your mind and body of impurities and you will naturally become more attractive. #selfimprovement #firstimpression #cleanliness
How to make Small Talk: Pay attention to unconscious responses | Vulta Blog
While chatting, be in a lookout for unconscious responses that people emit. If it was a positive reaction, then stay on topic until there is nothing left to be said; If it was a negative reaction, then change the topic. #howtomakesmalltalk #smalltalk #selfimprovement
What does it mean to be an adult? | Vulta Blog
What does it mean to be an adult? I didn't know the answer, and I still don't, but I wish to share my opinions with the world for the criticism #WayofLife #criticizeme #opinion #blogpost
How to make Small Talk: Put Aside Whatever You Are Doing | Vulta Blog
When you are in a conversation with someone while you are occupied with something else, you indirectly send the message to the person you are talking to that they are less important than what you are doing. It is simply bad manners. #selfimprovement #smalltalk #thingstokeepinmind