How I Paid off $40,000 of Debt in 7 months
This is amazing! She paid off all of her debt – $40,000!!! – in 7 months! This is the best debt-free story I've ever read. Her tips are actual things that will work for me. I love this blog for money saving ideas and tips. She's always got the best ideas for regular people just like me. These are great tips to make extra money too! How I Paid off $40,000 of Debt in 7 months
100+ Quotes to Help Motivate You With Saving Money That Will Help You Stick to a Budget and Save
100+ Quotes to Help Motivate You With Saving Money That Will Help You Stick to a Budget and Save Get inspired on your savings journey with our handpicked collection of 100+ motivational quotes! These quotes will boost your commitment to budgeting and saving. Say goodbye to financial stress and hello to a brighter future. Start saving today! #SavingMoneyQuotes #BudgetMotivation #FinancialInspiration #SmartSaving
The 3 Rules to Paying Off Debt Fast
This is so great!! I love great debt free stories about how people were able to get out of debt quickly even on a low income! This couple makes a normal amount of money and still got out of $78,000 of debt in 22 months! This is such an inspiring getting out of debt story. She shares what they did to pay off their debt fast and make some extra money on the side in the process. You have to check this out! Dave Ramsey Would be proud of these 3 Rules to Pay off debt fast!
Tired of Boring Family Dinners?
If you are tired of cooking the same ol thing week after week, check out this list. These are 15 stupid simple dinners that are so darn good your family will BEG for seconds. #easyweeknightdinners #weeknightfamilydinners #easyfamilydinners #simplefamilydinners #weeknightmealplans
90+ Budget Categories That You're Forgetting About
The best budgeting tips, tricks and ideas to help you make a budget that works. Perfect for beginners looking to learn how to start a budget the easy and painless way. How to save more money and stop being broke.