word of encouragement

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Simply Living By Faith
growing-in-christ: TRUTH!!! Amen! Source: www.spiritualinspiration.tumblr.com
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Listen to nature...it always knows best x Connect with me on my FB Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/successwithkirsten1
Advice for single women
Advice for single women love quotes quotes love quote advice relationship quotes michelle obama
Guard your heart (proverbs 4:23) // Christian singles dating relationship faith Holy Bible Jesus quote God
Table for One Ministries - Singles Ministry, Conference, Bible Study
Don't ask God why He is allowing something to happen. Ask Him what He wants you to learn and do in the midst of it.
When love walks away -
God loves you enough to remove anyone from your life that doesn’t align with His purpose for you. Instead of running after them choose to let them go and allow God to restore your broken heart and find hope in Him again.
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God says "the reason why some people have turned against you and walked away from you without reason...has nothing to do with you. It is because I have removed them from your life because they cannot go where I AM taking you next. They would only hinder you at the next level because they have already served their purpose in your life. Let them go and keep moving. Greater is coming your way...says the Lord.
Faith Hope GOD
He has not given me a spirit of fear! You are my bravery Lord! Wow! This is encouragement when we face so much adversity. I hear Mom talking to me. "Get up and dust your knees off. Now move on, there's work to be done."