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Gratitude Habitat
Thank life. #gratitude #thankful #gratitude-quote Visit us at: www.GratitudeHabitat.com
Gratitude Habitat
Gratitude Habitat
“Ester asked why people are sad. "That’s simple," says the old man. "They are the prisoners of their personal history. Everyone believes that the main aim in life is to follow a plan. They never ask if that plan is theirs or if it was created by another person. They accumulate experiences, memories, things, other people's ideas, and it is more than they can possibly cope with. And that is why they forget their own dreams.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Zahir
Amen to that! Positive Quotes Inspiration
Positive Words Inspiration: Amen to that! Positive Quotes Inspiration
Kelly Martin
Kelly Martin
To do list
2014 has been a tough one for me but I'm gonna make 2015 my year!!! Working on making me mentally and physically stronger and happy!!! Bring it ion!!!
No matter how much it hurts now, one day you will look back and realize it changed your life for the better..
Inspirational Things - Food Faith Fitness
Friday my son was sooo irritable on the way to school, and I told him to have perspective- some children are starving, homeless, and have no toys in countries where their family members are being beheaded, so is the fact that his notebook won't slide into his backpack easy really anything? And me this morning- little annoyances piled up till I was really hostile so I told him, Let's name 10 things we're thankful for until I'm in a good mood. It worked. :)
PLdesign: products on Zazzle
The less u respond to negative people, the more peaceful ur life will become. Positive thinking! #quotes
The Wonderful World of Pinterest- April 2014
Focus on the Good...The Wonderful World of Pinterest- April 2014 | My So Called Crafty Life
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Something wonderful is just around the corner, expect it. It may not come in the form that you expect, but expect it none the less.
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"I Have Chosen To Be Happy Because It Is Good For My Health" - Voltaire inspiration, motivation, quotes, self development, happiness #fastsimplefit Get Free Fitness and Weight Loss News and Tips by Liking Us on: www.facebook.com/FastSimpleFitness
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Putting it out into the Universe. .. You're welcome =) Positive Quotes : theBERRY
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let go of what is hurting your heart and soul // brigette nicole #strong #healthy