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Don't Be Stupid!
Sometimes we want life "sugar-coated" so we don't have to face our sins and mistakes, but this 1-minute devotion talks about the fact that God doesn't sugar-coat our need for correction and rebuke. Proverbs 12:1
You Intended to Harm Me But God Intended it For Good {Genesis 50} - Women Living Well
The word "intend" in the Hebrew is closely related to the word weave. I'm so thankful God, the master weaver, can take man's bad intentions and weave them into something good. "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord." Romans 8:28
Sometimes God Plans Detours and Delays
When we run into detours and delays in life, we can be sure that God is working behind the scenes. This 1-minute devotion will encourage you.
The ABC's of Praying for Students - Courageous Christian Father
I would love to be able to post this in my classroom! Maybe make a small one to put on my desk somewhere.
Crosswalk Grow in Faith with Daily Christian Living Articles
Help me Father hurting so bad met with hospice. Dad told me to leave couldn't… …
Expressions Post Communion
I sure hope so. Seems like I do an awful lot of waiting these days... ;)
Good News Casting Means Checking the Facts
HONESTY: Brian Williams, NBC newsman, was recently caught in a lie. This 1-minute devotion shows how his situation has some applications to the ways she know and understand God's Truth.