Writing Tools, Gimmicks, and Hacks

This board contains things I use to help in my writing.
341 Pins
14 Sections
Ancrath: The Cognitive Bias Stack
Some interesting insights into human behaviour in daily life! 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
10 Dialogue Errors Writers Should Avoid At All Costs
10 Dialogue Errors Writers Should Avoid – Writers Write #amwriting #writingadvice #writingtips writing advice | writing tips
5 easy story elements you need to write a foolproof novel outline - Books & Alchemy
The only 5 story elements you need to write a foolproof novel outline infographic | FictionAlchemy.com
Develop Your Freeelance Writing Career | How To Write For Money
Kindle Short Stories: Profitable, And Fast To Write
231 Publications That Actually Pay Freelance Writers
A round-up of all The Write Life’s posts on great places to write that actually pay.
5 easy story elements you need to write a foolproof novel outline - Books & Alchemy
5 easy story elements you need to write a foolproof novel outline
The Top 8 Free Online Editing Tools For Writing Excellent Research Papers - Academic Writing Success
8 Free Online Editing Tools
Novel Length: Why is Word Count Important? - SAVANNAH GILBO
Average Novel Length by Genre & Age Range - Novel Length: Why is Word Count Important? - Writing Tips, Tips for Writers, Editing Tips, Tips for Editors, How to Write a Book, How to Write a Novel, How to Outline a Book, How to Outline a Novel, Writing, Editing, Manuscript, Writing Tools, Novel Writing Outline, Book Writing Tips, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Creative Writing, Writing Inspiration, Writing Help, Writing Characters, Worldbuilding, Story Structure, Character Development, Genre #amwriting
Write & Wrong - Plotting the Hero's Journey
Our beloved heroes... forever making a journey somewhere to destroy an evil of some sort. But sometimes the most significant of journeys is the one within themselves! Was that too corny? This week on Write & Wrong, we take a look at plotting the heroes journey from start to finish (at least for the first book.) #writing #hero #hero'sjourney #writeandwrong #pierceandpartum
Broken, but Still Good: 3 Ways to Create Character Flaws
Making deeper characters for RPGs, storywriting, creative writing. NPCs or interesting protagonists, antagonists, or BBEG
If you need some help while writing stuff - Funny
If you need some help while writing stuff
Character Archetypes: Enriching your Novel's Cast | NowNovel
Character archetypes share core truths about people's personalities, goals, fears and weaknesses. Learn how to use them well in your own fiction.
How to Set Achievable Writing Goals: 7 Writing Tips | A Well Told Story
Here are seven low-stress tips to set writing goals that you can actually achieve! Create goals that work with the available time you already have. #writing #writinglife #novelwriting #writingtips #awelltoldstory