
355 Pins
Magic Homemade Facial Cream That Erases Wrinkles From Your Face Better Than Expensive Cosmetics! - Daily Health Magazine 365
Magic Homemade Facial Cream That Erases Wrinkles From Your Face Better Than Expensive Cosmetics!
Serum for fresh glowing skin
My wedding was in summer. My mom sprayed this water every night on my face a month before and on D-day my husband was shocked to see me This is a summer glow serum that will rejuvenate your skin and will give beautiful radiant glow to your skin. Is you use it daily, it will keep your skin well moisturized and will remove all pigmentation, dark spots, sun tan from your skin Ingredients: Fresh cucumber juice Aloe vera gel Vitamin E capsule – 2 …
Homemade Eye Serum For Wrinkles & Fine Lines
Homemade Eye Serum 1 vitamin E capsule 2 tbsp coconut oil 1/2 tsp camphor oil mix well together apply before bed